the visible hand

it is the theory which decides what can be observed – einstein

Who Will Tell the People?

Posted by ecoshift on May 4, 2008

Who Will Tell the People? – New York Times
Published: May 4, 2008

“Who will tell the people? We are not who we think we are. We are living on borrowed time and borrowed dimes. We still have all the potential for greatness, but only if we get back to work on our country.

I don’t know if Barack Obama can lead that, but the notion that the idealism he has inspired in so many young people doesn’t matter is dead wrong. “Of course, hope alone is not enough,” says Tim Shriver, chairman of Special Olympics, “but it’s not trivial. It’s not trivial to inspire people to want to get up and do something with someone else.”

It is especially not trivial now, because millions of Americans are dying to be enlisted — enlisted to fix education, enlisted to research renewable energy, enlisted to repair our infrastructure, enlisted to help others. Look at the kids lining up to join Teach for America. They want our country to matter again. They want it to be about building wealth and dignity — big profits and big purposes. When we just do one, we are less than the sum of our parts. When we do both, said Shriver, “no one can touch us.”

2 Responses to “Who Will Tell the People?”

  1. Anonymous said

    Still reading, keep posting!

  2. ecoshift said

    I see a fair number of local page views–not a lot in proportion to the page views from around the country and overseas–but enough to keep me posting. I realize that many if not most of these posts cover topics that tend to make eyes glaze over–on the other hand I don’t doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the county…

    thanks for the encouragement…

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